
Char-M: a personality test and character matching app.

Char-M: Character Matching App Download from Google Play Store: Char-M is a personality test and character matching app where based on answers to a set of questions you’ll be given a character. The results might show one or more characters depending on how you choose your replies for the questions. Developed by: Fatimah Soltanian… Continue reading Char-M

Ali Text Editor Privacy Policy

Ali Text Editor Privacy Policy Ali Text Editor is distributed by Soltanian Tech Limited. Ali Text Editor is a free to use application. Soltanian Tech Limited does not collect or store any personal data from users of Ali Text Editor. This privacy policy does not include any information collected by Microsoft Corporation for the purpose… Continue reading Ali Text Editor Privacy Policy

Ali Text Editor End Users License Agreement

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using this Ali Text Editor. Your use, distribution or installation of this copy of “Ali Text Editor” indicates your acceptance of this License. Ali Text Editor here means software, image files, all accompanying files, data and materials received with your order of “Ali Text Editor”. If… Continue reading Ali Text Editor End Users License Agreement